• Beyond Clean Code

    Saturday, June 01, 2024 in Articles

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    There’s also a YouTube Video for this post. Optimization Programming can be an emotional rollercoaster. This isn’t externally obvious as we impassively look at our screens and tap on the keyboard, but inside it’s sometimes a …

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  • The Seam Metaphor

    Saturday, March 13, 2021 in Articles

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    I first came across the seam metaphor for software architecture in Jurgen Appelo’s book Management 3.0. I loved his book, although I always felt that the title sold it short. I felt the backbone of complexity and systems theory might fall flat for …

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  • Narrative Driven Development

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021 in Articles

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    As human beings we are all experiencing a first-person narrative. We are experiencing the events of our day and our lives playing out from our point of view. In our jobs as software engineers, however, we encounter many other narratives. For example …

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  • Brain Oriented Programming

    Thursday, August 13, 2020 in Articles

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    Video Version: Philip reading this article. The 1956 paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two is the most widely cited paper in the 126 year history of the journal Psychological Review. The author George A. Miller is considered one of the …

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